Teach Me to Kill Monsters
A practical guide to staying free of curses and spiritual darkness, designed for Christian teens. Learn the strategies and characteristics of the forces of darkness, and how to fight against them. Learn how to identify signs of evil that hide in everyday life.
7 episodes
Episode 6: What Weakens the Soul (and How to Strengthen It)
When Satan wants to attack a person, he goes after the soul (the mind, will, and emotions.) If ours souls get weak, they become vulnerable to this attack. In this life, we all go through things that can weaken our souls, but if we remain self-a...
Season 1
Episode 6
Episode 5: Breaking Curses
Are curses real? Or are they just something that ancient people believed in?How do curses become attached to people, and how can we get rid of them?Find out in Episode 5 on Breaking Curses.Recommended book: Unbroken Curs...
Season 1
Episode 5
Episode 4: The Secret (Psychic) History of the Cold War
This episode looks at how the US government dabbled in paranormal activities to try to gain an advantage during the Cold War, and what this might mean for the nation.
Season 1
Episode 4
Episode 3: When Monsters Attack the Mind
Have you ever dealt with stress and anxiety that you just couldn't get rid of? Does this happen purely because of life circumstances, or could there be something spiritual going on? This episode explains the difference between ordinary "stress"...
Season 1
Episode 3
Episode 2: The Secret History of Halloween
Why is Halloween celebrated? Does it have Christian roots? Or are there other origins? What do the traditions of Halloween really mean, and what are their spiritual implications?This episode seeks to shed some light on a very old and of...
Season 1
Episode 2